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How to navigate AIDS 2024 conference programme

In just 2 weeks, the international AIDS 2024 conference starts in Munich, providing a powerful platform where scientists, activists, social activists, medical professionals, and representatives of key communities from around the world will work together for 5 days. They are united by a common motivation to overcome the AIDS epidemic and a common approach that puts people first.

The conference programme is full of various events. The conference sessions will take center stage. VirusOFF decided to tell you about the difference between the sessions. We would also like to remind you that Russian translation of all conference broadcasts will be available for online participants.

We are confident that this information will help conference participants, especially those who will be attending such an event for the first time, to navigate through its programme and plan their participation with the greatest benefit and productivity.

Plenary Session (PL)

This is a session that may take place with the participation of all conference participants. During plenary sessions, the main significant issues of the conference are raised, or general decisions and resolutions are made on the eve of the conference. The plenary session is addressed by the most important persons, international experts, representatives of community networking organizations, as well as invited famous guests and celebrities.

Symposium (SY)

Symposium addresses scientific or specialized issues and presents research on a single topic or related topics. It provides an opportunity for specialists to exchange experiences, present reports and new data, and discuss new challenges and innovative approaches.

Satellite (SAT)

These are smaller sessions that address single or specific issues related to the main themes of the conference.

Oral Abstract Session (OAS)

These are sessions where participants present their research in the form of oral presentations and answer questions from the audience.

Hybrid Sessions (HY)

These are sessions that take place both offline and online. You can participate in such a session even without being physically present at the location.

Workshops (WS)

Interactive learning sessions with a focus on practical skills. The main aim of workshops is to transfer knowledge, develop skills and promote active learning through interactive approaches.

Poster Exhibition (PE)

This is an event where academics and researchers present their work in the form of posters. The exhibition allows visualization of their research and feedback.

Session Codes

Here are examples of coding by major session:

By using the codes in planning your work at the conference, you can easily find the event or location you need and navigate through the conference programme more easily. We wish you success and new impressions at the conference. 

Learn more about Eastern Europe and Central Asia at AIDS 2024 by visiting – the special web page of the online regional platform Virus OFF, dedicated to EECA and AIDS 2024.

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