Innovative online clinic Help24 TeleHealth opened in Ukraine

The unique telemedicine platform and online clinic Help24 TeleHealth provides free medical services to vulnerable groups in Ukraine.

The virtual clinic offers consultations with doctors, remote referral for laboratory tests, online prescribing and monitoring of treatment. The platform also provides access to HIV and other age-specific infection prevention services, mental health counseling, and infectious disease testing. The initiative was implemented with the support of the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, as well as Frontline AIDS and Gilead. The initiators of the platform, operating on the HELP24 website, were Alliance Consultancy together with the ICF Alliance for Public Health.

As the coordinator of the Help24 TeleHealth project, infectious disease doctor Serhiy Antonyak, emphasized, telemedicine is not an additional, but a basic need for key groups, including people living with HIV, internally displaced persons, and those who are forced to stay abroad. “In general, telemedicine should be considered as one of the priority elements of comprehensive electronic health care in Ukraine, which provides access to quality medical care, contributes to the restoration of health, rehabilitation of Ukrainians and prevention of HIV and other socially significant diseases,” he said.

Help24 TeleHealth is a new stage in the provision of affordable and high-quality medical services online,” said Vlasta Brodska, director of Alliance Consultancy. “Through this platform, we are breaking down barriers and ensuring equal access to health care for all populations. Our goal is to provide the necessary support to those who are most vulnerable to HIV and other infections, which is why all Help24 TeleHealth services are free. We believe this innovative platform will be a key tool for improving the health and well-being of our citizens.”

“Given the current situation in Ukraine, telemedicine is becoming extremely important as it helps ensure timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HIV infection, especially in conditions of limited human resources and lack of patient access to healthcare facilities due to damaged or destroyed infrastructure. This not only saves time and money for patients, but also allows you to quickly receive qualified help regardless of where you are, which is especially important during military aggression and active hostilities,” emphasized Andriy Belets, an infectious disease doctor at the Center’s HIV Infection Management and Countermeasures Department. public health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Telemedicine officially appeared in Ukraine in 2023, when the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Telemedicine Development Strategy and identified it as a priority tool for the development of e-health and digital transformation. Help24 TeleHealth was created precisely to implement this strategy and ensure equal access of key groups to quality health services, in particular in the field of HIV, mental health and related sectors.

“Help24 TeleHealth is not just a new platform. This is a strategic direction for the Alliance and the next step towards the introduction of modern IT solutions in Ukrainian medicine, which means a significant leap forward in ensuring the availability and quality of medical care for key and vulnerable groups of the population, especially in wartime conditions and the destruction of the healthcare system. In 2023, 13,267 medical consultations were provided through the platform. The Help24 TeleHealth platform is an innovation that saves lives!”said Andrіy Klepikov, Executive Director of the Alliance for Public Health.

You can sign up for a consultation using the following links: