Heartfelt messages: support and love for women living with HIV

The Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) has joined the global initiative LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN! The annual AIDS exhibition “500+ Valentines for Love Positive Women: Romance Starts at Home” showcases hundreds of heartfelt Valentine cards on handmade paper created by a diverse group of artists, activists, and HIV-positive women. VirusOff fully stands behind and actively supports initiatives like these, which strive to uplift and empower communities affected by HIV/AIDS.

LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an international series of events that utilizes Valentine’s Day as a backdrop, providing a platform for individuals and communities to engage in public and private acts of love and care for women living with HIV. It’s a way for each of us to express, share, and support ourselves as a woman living with HIV or as a friend of the community every February 1st to 14th.

After the activation, the Valentines will be mailed around the world to HIV-positive women in time for Valentine’s Day. Women living with HIV often experience isolation and stigma and face specific challenges around relationships, motherhood, and healthcare. Since 2015, the project has distributed over 3,500 cards to fight stigma, create community, and empower women living with HIV.