A Moldovan play won a prestigious PR award. It is based on the stories of people living with HIV

The Moldovan immersive performance “INTIM. Face to face” won bronze at one of the most prestigious PR contests in Romania “СOMMA. Communication Awards”, receiving the title of ‘Best PR Event’. The awarding ceremony took place in Bucharest, in mid-March. Along with the performance “INTIM. Face to face”, 13 other creative concepts from Moldova and Romania were nominated for the title of the best PR event.

The performance “INTIM. Face to face” took place in Chisinau on December 2, 2022, and was timed to coincide with World AIDS Day. It was organized by the specialists of the communication agency “Unbox Communication” at the request of the public association “Positive Initiative”. The director of the performance was Daniela Burlaca, known in Moldova for her bold and unusual theatrical performances.

The script was based on three true stories of people living with HIV, which were played out and presented to the audience in the form of an immersive theatrical performance. The audience who came to the performance did not just watch the actors play but took an active part in the action. The soundtrack to the performance was performed by UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador, singer Dara.

“This success is the result of the combined efforts of our team, Unbox Communication, and our donors. Only through such a partnership, where a community that sets goals trusts a company that knows how to achieve them, and donors believe and support an innovative idea – it is possible to achieve such outstanding results!” said Ruslan Poverga, CEO “Positive Initiative” Public Association.

“This is the first event of this scale in our portfolio. And we are proud of what we have achieved. It was preceded by almost two months of continuous work. In Moldova, events on the theme of human rights protection bring not money, but recognition in the form of such nice awards”, shared Ludmila Boheanu, co-founder of the communication agency ‘Unbox Communication’.

The staging of the performance “INTIM. Face to Face” was made possible thanks to the support of international donors, local authorities, and the commercial sector. 

Text: Elena Derzhanskaya