“I Wish for…”: Hopes for an end to stigma. Voices of people living with HIV

This year WHO presented the social media campaign “I Wish for…” focusing on people living with HIV. Appearing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the campaign garnered widespread acclaim. By showcasing individuals with HIV leading fulfilling lives, the message resonated deeply, challenging stereotypes and dispelling misconceptions. Virusoff totally supports and welcomes such a great start to the campaign and looks forward to hearing about more actions as the year unfolds.

Driven by advancements in treatment that render the virus undetectable and untransmittable, coupled with accessible prevention methods and rapid testing, HIV has transitioned into a manageable chronic condition. However, the persistent barriers of stigma and discrimination impede progress, hindering testing and treatment efforts.

In a statement by Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, the hopes of individuals living with HIV illuminate determination to #EndAIDS through a poignant social media campaign. Emphasizing the principle of community involvement in healthcare, WHO/Europe engaged individuals living with HIV across the region to articulate their wishes for 2024. These wishes, reflective of diverse backgrounds, converge into a collective plea for universal access to treatment, freedom from fear, and dignity for all. Rejecting stigma and discrimination as antithetical to healthcare, the campaign underscores the importance of engagement and trust in combatting epidemics.

Expressing gratitude to those who contributed their voices, Dr. Kluge reaffirms WHO/Europe’s unwavering commitment to championing the health and dignity of every person living with HIV. With a shared vision of a world free from stigma and the ultimate goal of ending AIDS, WHO/Europe and its partners persist in the pursuit of optimal health outcomes for all.